jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2018

Vizcarra Beatriz GAO/ "New Banknotes in the Argentina"

8 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. This project is about"New banknotes in The Argentina"
    I have learned "The reason for the exchange of the banknotes " , The selected animales.She were working to oficial pages likehttps://www.lanacion.com.ar/2038490-quienes-son-los-animales-de-los-nuevos-billetes-argentinos-que-usaremos

    This jobs helps us to develop our skills writing , listening spearking and reading!

    Very good Beatriz!! Congratulations!! 🌼😊

    1. Hi Nadia! I'm glad you've been through my work and that you liked it 😃👍

  3. This project is obout New banknotesin the argentina
    My classmate Beatriz vizcarra ,was working with some information in official page
    The job is obout of used to digital writing devepoling 4 skills
    Very interesting your power😄

  4. Hello! This proyect is about "New banknotes in The Argentina"
    I have learned:This job has helped to me develop my reading skill than the other skills.
    She were working to oficial pages likehttps://www.lanacion.com.ar/2038490-quienes-son-los-animales-de-los-nuevos-billetes-argentinos-que-usaremos

    This jobs helps us to develop our skills writing , listening spearking and read
