viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018

Old constructions (the roman coliseum) Esposto Evelyn

6 comentarios:

  1. Respuestas
    1. thank you very much teacher😚I liked working on the Coliseum.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. This Project is about: the Roman Coliseum
    My classmate Esposto Evelyn, is working with some information in official page.
    Link: []
    This job is about of used to digital tools, how do we learn, reading, spea king and writing devoloping four skills.
    -it was an interesting information
    -i would like yo know the colosseum
    Olivera Esteban
    7mo M.M.O.

  4. This project is about "The Colosseum".
    My classmate Evelyn Esposto was working with information on the official website as: https: //
    This work deals with digital tools, how to learn, read, speak and write, and write, four skills.
    * Excellent work, very well structured.
    * I liked Roman history and its modern architecture
