My name is Fredes Cristian, I am eighteen years old. I was born on february 15, 2003, I live in the city of La-Cocha, I like play chess, my family is made up of my dad, my mom and my sister.
Welcome to school blog, called IDENTITY ! Hi everyone! I'm really glad you are visiting my blog ��. This is a great experience to develop your writing ✏ , listening , speaking and reading �� skills! In this online space, you can share your ideas ��, opinions �� and videos or your experiences to everyone! So, let's have fun reading and writing. I really hope you like doing these activities. I'm excited to read your comments, too. Well, that´s all .Welcome to. Teacher Marcela.
Hello Cristian ,I so glad ,becouse you are here !! thanks to your tutorial video !!!!